My mom has been preparing me for years

adriana suriano
1 min readJan 2, 2018


My mom started giving her things to me about 4 years ago. It started with a charm and bracelet from my first communion. My mother was not diagnosed with dementia then. I just think she knew someday she would not know where to find these things. I honestly thought about selling the items since they are 14k gold. But you can imagine if my Catholic mother found out that I sold my communion gifts! Even though I don’t believe in heaven or hell, I could not take the chance. I put the jewelry in a white envelope in my husband’s office. I stuck it in our piece of furniture that locks, which I can never seem to figure out how to open. The items kept coming…



adriana suriano

i am a first generation italian-american who grew up in southern new jersey. Life is amazingly beautiful and devastating. Sometimes in the same day.