my daily dream

adriana suriano
1 min readJan 6, 2018


i don’t sleep well most nights. this started long before my mother began this horrific journey into dementia. i think it’s gotten worse though. i’ve tried all kinds of things not to think about my mom’s condition. meditation before bed. turning off the television at least an hour before getting into bed. a new bed with an up and down switch for the top half. reading a magazine. counting backwards from 100. watching Dalai Lama talks on you tube.

there is something that has helped lately. every night i start off with the same thought as i turn off the lamp on my nightstand. LeBron James and i have a weekly podcast. he started a non-profit. i work for a non-profit. we have guests on our show. we try and discuss how to fix all the social injustices of the world. eventually i fall asleep. i might even sleep 5–6 hours before i wake up thinking again about my mom again. i haven’t slept that long uninterrupted in 7 or 8 years.

there’s something soothing about solving the social injustices of our day with LeBron James. he’s got a pretty good perspective on poverty and racial injustice. it’s me and LeBron talking and interviewing guests. him in ohio. me in dc. my mother would be proud.



adriana suriano

i am a first generation italian-american who grew up in southern new jersey. Life is amazingly beautiful and devastating. Sometimes in the same day.